Bring Your Brand To New Heights of Amazon Sales
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Years experience
From Amazon Seller To eCommerce Marketplace Agency
Businesses Of All Sizes And Product Types
Leading Professionals In Various Aspects Of Amazon
Experts At Amazon, Ebay, And More
Who We Are
The eCommerce Marketplace Agency that specializes in helping brands that already have an Amazon presence to increase their sales. Our team of highly qualified and skilled amazon experts provides comprehensive product, identity and channel analysis; lifecycle marketplace strategy, execution and guidance; followed by long-term support to eCommerce brands.
We buy your products like any other retail customer. Then, we sell them to consumers on approved marketplaces through our third-party seller accounts.
We Buy, Sell, then Ship Your Items
Our Full Services List
Marketing & Promotions
Expansion & Syndication
Reporting & Administration
Content Management & Merchandising
Increasing your brand’s visibility with a marketing and advertising strategy tailored to the needs and goals of your brand.
Showing progress, proving value and building trust by sharing results, insights and potential problems with regular performance reports.
Furthering your brand’s development by expanding into new countries and new eCommerce marketplace platforms.
Creating optimized visual and written content for your marketplace store and product listing details page.
Brand Protection
Inventory & Fulfillment
Customer Service
Tax Management
Protecting your brand equity and presence from counterfeiters, unauthorized sellers, and MAP violators.
Enhancing your customers’ experience by answering questions, processing returns and resolving complaints.
Ensuring proper inventory through forecasting and demand planning. Order fulfillment by means of Amazon (FBA) or Merchant (FBM)
Collecting, reporting and paying sales tax in all states where Amazon houses your inventory.
We are an inclusive group of E-commerce experts comprising thinkers and doers who help clients win through Amazon. We know how overwhelming it can be to navigate the world of selling on Amazon. That’s why we’re here. We live and breathe this stuff—so you don’t have to.
We’re here to solve the problems many online retailers face, helping them grow and control their brands and their revenue. We have more than 5 years of combined experience in helping diverse clients accelerate their Amazon e-commerce sales. The Motuko team is passionate about creating your business success, and we’ll be with you every step of the way.
Our experienced Amazon professionals will help you build strategy, execute and achieve success without the need to develop an entire department and in-house team of experts.

We’ll have got you covered with a powerful skill-set that is going to make your brand successfully grow.
  • Alex
  • Roman
  • Yana
  • Amy
  • Arthur
  • John
  • Romario
  • Abdul
  • Nick
  • Aleksander
  • Christie
  • Greg
  • Paulina
  • Aleksey
  • Lenard
  • Valto
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